
Visiting Lecturers

Rev Dr Peter Moore

Christian Mentoring Lecturer

A.Mus.A., LL.B (Hons), B.Th (Hons), Dip Arts (Theol), M.Th (Moore), PhD (Macquarie)

Peter has 25 years of experience in ‘professional’ pastoral ministry, including 20 in congregational leadership and 12 in theological education.  His postgraduate research awards are in historical theology, and the history of preaching/Christian formation.

Peter currently mentors professionally 2-3 days per week, mentoring / supervising 30 pastors. Peter has been training mentors in 3 year non-accredited courses for John Mark Ministries since 2014. He is a member of the Australian Christian Mentoring Network.

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian University of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950