
Teaching and Pastoral

Dr Mark Stephens

Lecturer in New Testament

BA(Hons) (Macquarie), MDiv (ACT), PhD (Macquarie)

Role at SMBC:

As part of the New Testament team Mark lectures in New Testament units.

Prior to SMBC:

Before coming to SMBC, Mark spent over a decade lecturing in theology and integrative studies at Excelsia College, before a two-year stint serving as a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Christianity. His doctoral studies focused on the theme of new creation within the book of Revelation, and his thesis, Annihilation or Renewal? The Meaning and Function of New Creation in the Book of Revelation, was published by Mohr Siebeck.

Academic interests:

Mark is currently researching and writing on spiritual formation and the book of Revelation, representations of Jesus in contemporary culture, and the place of humility and hospitality in Christian thinking.



  • 2021 The End of Thinking? (Sydney: Acorn Press)
  • 2020 (co-authored with John Dickson and Scott Petty), For the Love of God: Small Group Study Guide (Sydney: CPX)
  • 2011 Annihilation and Renewal: The Meaning and Function of New Creation in the Book of Revelation, Mohr Siebeck, Tubingen, 2011.

Articles and Essays

  • 2021 'Thinking as Christian Virtue: Reason and Persuasion for a Fractious Age' in J. Luetz and B. Green (eds.), Innovating Christian Education Research: Multidisciplinary Perspectives; Singapore: Springer.
  • 2021 'Whispers from the Margins: Problems of Christian Identity in a Pluralistic Democracy' (co-authored with Maureen Miner) in M. Miner and M. Stephens (eds.), Identifying as Christian in an Alien Public Arena; Charlotte, IAP.
  • 2021 'Evangelical Identity in a Secular Age: The Use of the Bible in the Rhetoric of Crisis' in M. Miner and M. Stephens (eds.), Identifying as Christian in an Alien Public Arena; Charlotte, IAP.
  • 2020 'Creation and New Creation in Revelation,' in C. Koester (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Book of Revelation (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
  • 2020 'Cruciformity and the Public Intellectual,' Christian Scholars Review vol.49, no.2, 327-342.
  • 2018 'The God Who Gives Generously: Honour, Praise, and the Agony of Celebrity,' Scottish Journal of Theology vol. 71, no.1, 2018, 52-66.
  • 2018 'Teaching History for a Moral Purpose: Wilberforce as Evangelical Hero' in J. Luetz, T. Dowden, and B. Norsworthy (eds.), Reimagining Christian Education - Cultivating Transformative Approaches; Singapore: Springer.
  • 2018 'The Parachurch Down Under: A Case Study,' Christian Scholars Review vol 47, no.4, 383-90.
  • 2016 'The Fall and Christian education' Christian Teachers Journal, Vol. 24, no. 1: 4-7
  • 2016 'The Horror of Culture-Making' in M. Miner Bridges and M. Dowson (eds.), Spirituality, Culture and Well-Being: Proceedings of the Spirituality, Culture and Well-Being Conference (Macquarie Park: Lumen Research Institute).
  • 2012 Articles on 'Heaven' and 'Lion will lay down with the Lamb' in Mary A. Beavis and Michael Gilmour (eds.), Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2012.
  • 2010 ‘Work and the New Creation’, CASE 24, 2010, 10-14.
  • 2001 ‘Commentary on Aeschines, Against Timarchus 182-83’, Classicum XXVII, 2001, 17-21.

Book reviews

  • 2017 ‘Book Review: James D.G.Dunn “Neither Jew nor Greek,”’ Pacifica Vol. 29, no. 205-6,

Speaking Ministry:

  • Evangelical Theological Society (Nov 2018).
  • Anglican Education Commission (Sept 2018)
  • ACHEA Conference (Aug 2017)
  • Tyndale Fellowship (July 2017)
  • SMBC Preaching Conference (2017)
  • Marketplace Institute Public Lecture, Ridley College (Sep 2017)
  • Royale Ormsby Martin Lecture, Anglican Education Commission (Apr 2016)
  • In his Image: Creative Arts Conference, Singapore (May 2015)
  • Tyndale Fellowship (July 2014)
  • Society of Biblical Literature (May 2011) 


Mark lives in the north-western suburbs of Sydney with his wife Linda and their three children. They attend St Paul’s Anglican Church, Castle Hill where Mark serves as a children’s leader. In his spare time he enjoys hiking and playing cricket.

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Upcoming Events

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950