Bible Talks

2 Chronicles

7 October 2015 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 18 - Jehosaphat’s Failure
Bruce Bennett

Length: 56:03   Download   Listen

12 September 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 34-36 - Holiness Under Pressure
Stuart Coulton

Length: 59:04   Download   Listen

5 September 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 33 - King Manasseh: Starting Badly - Finishing Well
Stuart Coulton

Length: 52:59   Download   Listen

29 August 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 26:1-23 - King Uzziah: Victim of the Deadly Disease of Pride
Janson Condren

Length: 48:17   Download   Listen

15 August 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 17-20 - King Jehoshaphat: Starting Powerless and Powerless Still
Dean Rerekura

Length: 52:16   Download   Listen

8 August 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 14-16 - King Asa: Starting Well - Finishing Badly
Stuart Coulton

Length: 56:46   Download   Listen

1 August 2012 - Principal’s Hour

2 Chronicles 10-12 - King Rehoboam: Starting out kinda slow then fizzling out altogether
Stuart Coulton

Length: 58:35   Download   Listen

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T +61 2 9747 4780
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