Bible Talks


8 November 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 35:1-29 - Disappointment and Hope
Karl Deenick

Length: 55:48   Download   Listen

1 November 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 34:1-31 - Who’s expendable in our pursuit of the promise?
Kit Barker

Length: 61:10   Download   Listen

18 October 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 33:1-20 - The Joy of Reconciliation
Ed Grudier

Length: 54:25   Download   Listen

20 September 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 32:1-32 - Wrestling with God
Karl Deenick

Length: 45:09   Download   Listen

13 September 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 30:25-31:55 - Struggling to trust the God of the promise
Janson Condren

Length: 61:03   Download   Listen

30 August 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 29:31-30:24 - Does it have to be like this?
Derek Brotherson

Length: 63:38   Download   Listen

23 August 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 29:1-30 - Carrying on in faith despite the messiness of life
Alan Mugridge

Length: 36:54   Download   Listen

9 August 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 28:10-22 - A stairway from heaven
Derek Brotherson

Length: 58:37   Download   Listen

2 August 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 26:34-28:9 - Don’t miss out
Karl Deenick

Length: 52:46   Download   Listen

26 July 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 26:1-33 - A wandering Aramean
Geoff Harper

Length: 41:27   Download   Listen

19 July 2023 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 25:19-34 - In pursuit of the promise
Derek Brotherson

Length: 59:05   Download   Listen

4 November 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 23:1-20 - Faith to the end
Derek Brotherson

Length: 56:24   Download   Listen

28 October 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 22:1-19 - Learning faith from the father of all believers
Derek Brotherson

Length: 56:27   Download   Listen

21 October 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 21:1-21 - Broken pottery, Golden promises
Kirk Patston

Length: 54:06   Download   Listen

14 October 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 18:16-19:29 - An alternative to compassion fatigue
Derek Brotherson

Length: 61:42   Download   Listen

23 September 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 17:1-27 - What does God require of us?
Derek Brotherson

Length: 60:27   Download   Listen

16 September 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 16 - The God who hears and sees
Malcolm Gill

Length: 51:31   Download   Listen

2 September 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 15:1-21 - How can I know?
Geoff Harper

Length: 51:40   Download   Listen

26 August 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 14:1-24 - Two paths to the promise
Derek Brotherson

Length: 62:16   Download   Listen

19 August 2020 - Principal’s Hour

Genesis 13:1-18 - What you see, you want
Derek Brotherson

Length: 48:33   Download   Listen

Upcoming Events

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950