Leading Multicultural Teams
By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert
Format: Soft cover
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Churches and mission agencies are increasingly characterized by cultural diversity. As a result, many Christians find themselves working as part of a multicultural team. Leading these teams is a complex challenge that requires team leaders to understand how to help multicultural teams thrive. Team leaders need to know how to help team members grow in particular qualities and acquire specific skills related to multicultural teamwork.
This book integrates insights from the Bible, team theory, leadership, and intercultural studies to explain how leaders of multicultural teams can help their teams become enriching and enjoyable contexts to work in, at the same time as achieving their purpose.
Evelyn and Richard Hibbert were pioneer church planters among Turkish speakers in Bulgaria. They were involved in discipling people from other cultures and training intercultural disciplers for more than thirty years. Richard was the director of the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission (2007-2020).
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Challenge of Leading Multicultural Teams
Chapter 2: How Cultural Differences Affect Teams
Chapter 3: A Vision for Multicultural Community
Chapter 4: Building Healthy Multicultural Team Community
Chapter 5: Clarifying the Team’s Purpose and Approach
Chapter 6: Appreciating Team Members’ Personalities, Roles, and Gifts
Chapter 7: Managing Team Conflict
Chapter 8: Character Qualities to Nurture
Chapter 9: Skills to Work On
Chapter 10: How Organizations Can Support Team Leaders
Appendix 1: Leadership Discussion Questions
Appendix 2: Identifying Your Assumptions and Expectations
Appendix 3: Multicultural Team Leader Inventory
Also by Evelyn and Richard Hibbert: Training Missionaries - Principles & Possibilities , Walking Together on the Jesus Road and Multiplying Leaders in Intercultural Contexts
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