
Training Missionaries - Principles & Possibilities

By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert
Format: Soft cover

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Missionaries must know God, be able to relate well to other people, understand and engage with another culture, and be able to use the Bible in a way that informs all aspects of their lives and ministries. Missionary training must address each of these areas if it is to help Christians to be effective in taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Effective training has been shown to prevent people from prematurely leaving the field. It also reduces the danger of cross-cultural workers uncritically exporting culturally bound forms of Christianity. This book details four key areas that every missionary training program, whatever its context, must focus on developing. It shows how these can be holistically addressed in a learning community where trainers and trainees engage in cross-cultural ministry together.


Evelyn and Richard Hibbert were pioneer church planters among Turkish speakers in Bulgaria. They were involved in discipling people from other cultures and training intercultural disciplers for more than thirty years. Richard was the director of the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission (2007-2020).

Table of Contents:



Chapter 1. The Need for and Purpose of Specialized Missionary Training

Chapter 2. Experiencing God

Chapter 3. Using the Bible

Chapter 4. Engaging with Culture

Chapter 5. Relating to People

Chapter 6. Building on Past Experience in Missionary Training

Chapter 7. Applying Biblical Principles to the Process of Missionary Training

Chapter 8. Steps in Designing Missionary Training

Chapter 9. Putting the Steps Into Practice: A Case Study

Chapter 10. Implementing Missionary Training


Appendix 1 Units of Competency

Appendix 2 Pre-Field Program—Sample Weekly Timetable

Appendix 3 Ethnographic Questions

Appendix 4 Learning Language and Culture: Performance Criteria and Evidence of Competency

Appendix 5 Seminar Outlines


Also by Evelyn and Richard Hibbert: Leading Multicultural TeamsWalking Together on the Jesus Road and Multiplying Leaders in Intercultural Contexts

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