
Talk Recordings

Going the Distance

SMBC 2018 Children's Ministry Conference

Faith is a gift given by God. It is his work from beginning to end. Yet God calls on us to be careful not to cause little ones to stumble. We can impact a child’s faith for good or ill.

In a world that tries to pulls us away from God, what are the key things we can do which will help establish in children a faith that is deep and strong – a faith that will weather the storms - a faith that lasts a lifetime?

We’ll explore ways of helping grow our kids’ faith - because we long to see them 'Going the Distance.'

(If you'd prefer to listen to the audio only, you can also find those recordings back on the main Conference Talks page.)

SMBC 2018 Children’s Ministry Conference
David Starling, Sandy Galea, Quiz Worx and more
(418 KB)

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