Associates Program

This special Wednesday morning program is for people over 50 who may have more time on their hands and who want to dig deeper biblically without the pressure of exams or assignments. You can come to one, a few, or ideally come to all 12! Each semester a different unit of study is covered.

Our aim is for you to:

  • Deepen your knowledge of the Bible
  • Be encouraged in your walk with God
  • Be encouraged by how God is at work overseas and around Australia
  • Enjoy the warm fellowship and community of SMBC
  • Learn from great lecturers!

Semester 2, 2024

In Semester 2, 2024, we're pleased to bring you New Testament biblical studies from Hebrews and 1 Peter with SMBC New Testament lecturers, Anthony Brammall, Alan Mugridge and Matt Vander Heiden

Over the first eight weeks, Anthony Brammall and Alan Mugridge will take you on a detailed journey through Hebrews. The last four weeks will be spent with Matt Vander Heiden going deeper with you into 1 Peter.

Throughout the 12 week program, Anthony, Alan and Matt prayerfully aim to provide you (under God), with greater insights from these New Testament texts, not only for your refreshment in God's word, but for application in your lives and in the lives of others.

Topics that will be covered over the 12 weeks are:

  • Week 1: Better than angels (Hebrews 1:1-2:18)
  • Week 2: Better than Moses (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
  • Week 3: Keep on keeping on (Hebrews 4:14-6:20)
  • Week 4: The Priest we need (Hebrews 7-10)
  • Week 5: Keep on in faith! (Hebrews 10:19-11:40)
  • Week 6: Some final exhortations (Hebrews 12:1-13:25)
  • Week 7: Background to Hebrews and its text
  • Week 8: Manuscripts and the text of Hebrews
  • Week 9: 1 Peter
  • Week 10: 1 Peter
  • Week 11: 1 Peter
  • Week 12: 1 Peter



17, 24 July; 7, 14, 21 August; 4, 11, 18, 25 September; 16, 30 October; 6 November 2024


Please note the change of lecture and Principal Hour times from previous years.

9.40am: Lecture starts (including the Zoom platform for online attendees)
10.30am: Morning tea
10.55am: Lecture continues (and concludes at 11.45 am)
11.50am: Principal's Hour (main chapel service) for on-campus attendees.
1.00pm: Principal's Hour  concludes

On-Campus and Online Options

You have the choice of attending the full program in person at our Croydon campus, or joining us online and participating in the lecture via Zoom, and then watching a recording of Principal's Hour at a later time. Please note:

  1. When registering, please choose ONE mode of attendance and remain in that mode for that week, or for each of the 12 weeks (if booking all 12 sessions). This is so we can be sure we have enough seats in the lecture room.
  2. We're sorry, but lectures are not recorded.
  3. For on-campus attendance, please note there are only 25 places available. Book early to avoid disappointment.
  4. Please contact the Service Centre to book individual sessions



Please note for those attending online, Principal's Hour will not be live-streamed, but will be recorded and available at a later time.

All 12 sessions for one person (online): $225.00 (+ booking fee)

All 12 sessions for two people (online): $400.00 (+ booking fee)

Per session (online) for one person: $35.00 (+ booking fee)

Per session (online) for two people: $56.00 (+booking fee)


For on-campus attendance, please note there are only 32 places available. Book early to avoid disappointment.

All 12 sessions per person (on campus): $225.00 (+ booking fee)

All 12 sessions for two people (on campus): $400.00 (+ booking fee)

Per session for one person (on campus): $35.00 (+ booking fee)

Got questions? Email us or call us on 02 9747 4780

SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950