
Certificate in Bible and Mission

Admission requirements: Enrolled full-time in an ACT course at SMBC

The Certificate in Bible and Mission (CBM) is an internal SMBC program that all full-time SMBC students participate in concurrently with their ACT course. The program supplements and complements the accredited studies and is made up of a number of subjects and participation in the community life at College.

Your Award includes a combination of subjects drawn primarily from the areas of Bible, theology, mission, preaching, ethics and pastoral/developmental ministry. Satisfactory participation in the college community includes being present in lectures, chapels, college mission, fellowship and prayer groups, annual conference, sharing lunch together, as well as involvement in a local church. 

As per your ACT course (A minimum of 2 semesters to a maximum of 6 semesters). Students must be enrolled full-time in an ACT course to start this program.

The CBM is recognised by many churches and mission agencies as one of SMBC's distinctive features of training for ministry.

If you are interested in this course, please feel free to contact our registrars for more information here


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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950