Units (Subjects)

Church Planting

AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Thursday Daytime Unit

EM026-612/712/812 + EM205-912 + EM206-912

As we read Paul's missionary journeys in the book of Acts, we see that his ministry trips to cities resulted not just in people coming to faith, but in local churches being established.  Much of the New Testament consists of Paul writing to these churches. This dynamic has led many to agree with Tom Hale, a medical missionary to Nepal, who wrote, "The essential core ministry in missions is the winning of people to Christ and forming them into congregations—that is, evangelism and church planting."

In this unit we will be thinking theologically and practically about the why and how of church planting, especially where the church is not yet established.  We will address various models of church planting and the practical steps in seeing a church get established, all with a focus on how to help facilitate the multiplication of churches.  You will see in this unit that all believers are able to use their unique gifts, personalities, and abilities as part of a team in the church planting effort.

Lecturer: Dr Evelyn Hibbert
AQF level: 6/7/8/9
Lecture Mode: hybrid*
Corequisites: 24 credit points of NT/OT/BB
Times: Thursdays 2.20pm–3.10pm + 3.15pm–4.05pm + 4.10pm–5.00pm
Dates: 24, 31 July; 7, 21, 28 August; 4, 18, 25 September; 16, 23, 30 October; 6 November 2025 (Exam period = 17-21 November)
Location: Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132 + online via Zoom
Credit Points:
AEM026 = 36hrs - Audit (no assessments)
EM026-612= 12 credit points (1 unit) - DipCS, DipMin, DipTh, AdDipMin, AdDipTh, AssocDegMin, AssocDegTh, BMin, BTh
EM026-712 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - BMin, BTh, BDiv
EM026-812 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - GDDiv, MMin, MDiv, MTS, MICS
EM205-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) Capstone - MMin, MDiv, MTS 
EM206-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) Specialised Studies - MMin, MDiv, MTS, MICS
Tuition Fees:
Audit = $475
AQF unit levels 5-7 (12 credit points) = $2,853 (Overseas student = $3,288)
AQF unit levels 8-9 (12 credit points) = $3,162 (Overseas student = $3,642)
For further details see Costs

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 units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only
Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online only, that is, a mix of online lectures, videos, activities and interaction with lecturers and fellow students.
Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.

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