Units (Subjects)

The Synoptic Gospels (English)

AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Tuesday Daytime Unit

NT008-612/712/812 + NT205-912 + NT206-912

Luke was a doctor, a theologian, a careful historian and a follower of Jesus – the evangelist who recorded Jesus’ momentous words to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house.” This unit studies the Gospel of Luke in its context as one of the three Synoptic Gospels, considering the question of what kind of writing the Gospels actually are.

We begin by considering how the Synoptic Gospels fit together. We will look at Luke as a whole, but will also in a more detailed way work through understanding selected chapters of Luke. And as we do that, we will be considering the big theological emphases of Luke’s Gospel and how they apply to and inform Christian belief, life and ministry: topics like Jesus’ role as Saviour, humanity and wealth, the Holy Spirit’s work, prayer, Israel's Law and the temple, the future, and people on the margins of society.

Lecturer: Dr Alan Thompson
Corequisites: NT001 or NT003
AQF level: 6/7/8/9
Lecture Mode: hybrid*
Times: Tuesdays 8.45am–9.45am + 9.40am–10.30am + 11.05am–11.45am
Dates: 22, 29 July; 5, 19, 26 August; 2, 16, 23 September; 14, 21, 28 October; 4 November 2025 (Exam period = 17-21 November)
Location: Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132 + online via Zoom
Credit Points:
ANT008 = 36hrs - Audit (no assessments)
NT008-612 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - DipCS, DipMin, DipTh, AdDipMin, AdDipTh, AssocDegMin, AssocDegTh, BMin, BTh
NT008-712 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - BMin, BTh, BDiv
NT008-812 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - GDDiv, MMin, MDiv, MTS, MICS
NT205-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) Capstone - MMin, MDiv, MTS 
NT206-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) English Specialised Studies - MMin, MDiv, MTS, MICS
Tuition Fees:
Audit = $475
AQF unit levels 5-7 (12 credit points) = $2,853 (Overseas student = $3,288)
AQF unit levels 8-9 (12 credit points) = $3,162 (Overseas student = $3,642)
For further details see Costs
Note: This unit is also available as NT009 The Synoptic Gospels (Greek)

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units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only
Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online-only, that is, a mix of online lectures, videos, activities and interaction with lecturers and fellow students.
Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.

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43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
E admin@smbc.edu.au
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
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