Please register so we can best plan the evening for you (and to receive the Zoom link).
Whether you want to prepare to go into pastoral ministry or cross-cultural mission, or simply want to know God and his word better, join us at our Info Evening and learn about how time at SMBC, under God, can grow you theologically, practically and spiritually.
We'd love to welcome you, on-campus or online at 7.00pm (AEDT). For those joining us on-campus we'll have a light supper available from 6.40pm. There'll be a presentation about SMBC followed by opportunities to ask your questions and chat one-to-one with our lecturers and registrars about your flexible study options – full-time or part-time.
Alternatively, if the time of this event doesn't suit you, we'd love you to contact us about finding a time that you can either visit us (to meet with lecturers and registrars, and see the campus) or chat online. There's also other info event dates – on-campus and online coming up that you could consider.
You may also like to watch our Principal's Hour for a 'taste' of SMBC.
Got questions? Email us or call us on +61 2 9747 4780
Parking note: for the benefit of our neighbours, please avoid parking in Badminton Road or near the corner of Beaufort and Arthur Street, thank you. (Street parking map)