Bible Talks

Principal’s Hour Express

6 November 2024    Derek Brotherson

Jeremiah 50-51 - A vision of the future

Length: 36:48   Download MP3    Switch to Full version

How do we hold fast to our faith in Christ, when our circumstances in life make that faith seem foolish? Non-believers around us succeed and prosper. While our obedience to Christ leads to loss and trouble. The Israelite exiles in Babylon were asking a similar question. Even though they were God's people, they were weak and powerless. While the Babylonians, though hostile to God, seemed to be all-powerful and successful. In this closing part of the book of Jeremiah, the prophet speaks powerfully into this dilemma by providing a striking vision of the future, and an urgent exhortation for the present. It is a message we all need to hear.

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