
Talk Recordings

My God is so big: Helping kids discover all the character of God

SMBC 2022 Children's Ministry Conference

God is loving and wrathful. He forgives and condemns. He finds delight in us and is grieved by us.

Our God is wonderfully big and complex – but not contradictory. Every part of his character is necessary and good. And our kids need to know him - all of him.

With this recording of the livestream of the SMBC 2022 Children's Ministry Conference we hope you'll be encouraged in ways to help kids discover their BIG God!


  • Bible Talk: Psalm 29 – Kit Barker
  • Presentation – Quiz Worx
  • Talk: My God Is So Big – Bruce Linton
  • Prayer for Children’s Ministry – Fiona Singline
  • Song: God is Crazy Big – Josh Goscombe
  • Seminar: Seeing My Big God – Naomi de Vries
  • Seminar: Showing and Telling My Big God – Adam Jolliffe
SMBC 2022 Children’s Ministry Conference
Kit Barker, Bruce Linton, Naomi de Vries and Adam Jolliffe, with Quiz Worx, Josh Goscombe and Fiona Singline
(3 MB)

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