Units (Subjects)

Wisdom Literature (Hebrew)

AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Monday Daytime Unit

OT017-612/712/812+ OT207-912

There's something intriguing and appealing about books like Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs. But then they disorient us. The book of Job is sad, Ecclesiastes is sceptical and Proverbs is self-interested. And they don't seem to be about the gospel.

In this unit we will consider what wisdom is, how other ancient cultures made sense of it and how it fits in the grand message of the Bible. We will turn to Wisdom Literature to understand how we know things, the nature of creation, justice and the ways of God. We will give close attention to passages of Ecclesiastes and, especially, Job. You will gain skills in understanding Old Testament texts as crafted literature, discerning their profound theology and applying them to Christian living today. By the end, you might find that what seemed sad, sceptical and self-interested offers a subversive and liberating joy.

Lecturer: Rev Dr Kirk Patston
AQF level: 6/7/8/9
Lecture Mode: hybrid*
Prerequisite: LA004-612, Corequisite: OT002 or OT003
Times: Mondays 10.55am–11.45am + 2.20pm–3.10pm + 3.15pm–4.05pm + 4.10pm–5.00pm
Dates: 10, 17 February; 3, 10, 24, 31 March; 28 April; 5, 12, 26 May; 2, 16 June 2025 (Exam period = 23–27 June) 
Location: Croydon Campus, 43 Badminton Road, Croydon 2132
Credit Points:
AOT017 = 36hrs - Audit (no assessments)
OT017-612 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - DipCS, DipMin, DipTh, AdDipMin, AdDipTh, AssocDegMin, AssocDegTh, BMin, BTh
OT017-712 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - BMin, BTh, BDiv
OT017-812 = 12 credit points (1 unit) - GDDiv, MMin, MDiv, MTS, MICS
OT017-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) Capstone - MMin, MDiv, MTS
OT207-912 = 12 credit points (1 unit) Hebrew Specialised Studies - MMin, MDiv, MTS
Tuition Fees:
Audit = $475
AQF unit levels 5-7 (12 credit points) = $2,853 (Overseas student = $3,288)
AQF unit levels 8-9 (12 credit points) = $3,162 (Overseas student = $3,642)
For further details see Costs

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 units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only
Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online-only, that is, a mix of online lectures, videos, activities and interaction with lecturers and fellow students.
Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.

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T +61 2 9747 4780
E admin@smbc.edu.au
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
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