Units (Subjects)

See below for the individual units (subjects) currently available. Please go to Courses for information on our undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We encourage you to contact our registrars to start a conversation about what units might best suit your needs.

Units are available in the following modes:

  • On-Campus: units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only.
  • Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online only.
  • Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.

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ACT Coursework Course Policy

Evening Units

New Testament Greek A

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/8, off-campus

Monday Evening Unit


Learning to read the New Testament in its original language opens up a richness of understanding of the text, providing fresh insights and nuances that can deepen your love of God's Word, and enhance the faithfulness of your teaching and preaching. In this unit you are introduced to and given experience in reading the language in which the New Testament was written. This prepares you to read straightforward parts of the Greek New Testament for yourself, and to be equipped to consult New Testament commentaries based on the Greek text, and to read books that discuss or refer to Greek words, expressions, grammar and their meanings...

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The Church and its Ministry

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Tuesday Evening Unit

TH104-612/712/812 + TH205-912 + TH206-912

For Christians, church is a central part of life. But what, according to the Bible, is the church? What is it we are seeking to do when we gather? What is the church’s nature and essential marks? In this unit we’ll explore the many facets of what church ministry is: how churches differ about decision making and governance; why some baptise infants but others don’t; how churches might be diminishing the importance of the Lord’s Supper; and how can pastors, and others in church leadership, pray biblically and helpfully for God’s people...

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Pentateuch (English)

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Thursday Evening Unit

OT008-612/712/812 + OT206-912

The Pentateuch is the foundation of all biblical revelation, and indeed, of the entire biblical worldview. How was this part of Scripture designed to impact the lives of ancient Israelites? And how does knowing this help us discern God’s enduring message for today?..

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Pentateuch (Hebrew)

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Thursday Evening Unit

OT009-612/712/812 + OT207-912

The Pentateuch is the foundation of all biblical revelation, and indeed, of the entire biblical worldview. How was this part of Scripture designed to impact the lives of ancient Israelites? And how does knowing this help us discern God’s enduring message for today?..

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Foundational Christian Beliefs

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 5/8, hybrid

Thursday Evening Unit


For many people the idea of "theology" conjures up images of dry and deathly boring concepts that are completely detached from real life. Sadly, sometimes that reputation is well-deserved. But theology should not be like that. The puritan theologian William Ames described theology as "the knowledge of how to live in the presence of God." Another theologian, Petrus van Mastricht, that it is "the doctrine of living for God through Christ." Fundamentally, theology is about knowing God so that we can love him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength...

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New Testament Greek B

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/8, off-campus

Monday Evening Unit


In this unit we continue our introduction and experience in reading the language in which the New Testament was written. This prepares you to read straightforward parts of the Greek New Testament for yourself, be equipped for consulting New Testament commentaries based on the Greek text and reading books that discuss or refer to Greek words and expressions...

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Christianity in History from 1550

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 5/6/8, hybrid

Tuesday Evening Unit


We can only properly make sense of our present if we understand our past. Our numerous Protestant denominations only make sense if we understand the Reformation of the 16th Century. Whether we identify ourselves as modern or post-modern, we are indebted to the Enlightenment of the 18th Century. Our ability to understand the American Presidential race depends in part on how well we have grasped the rise of fundamentalism in the 19th Century...

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Teaching in Intercultural Settings

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Thursday Evening Unit

EM014-612/712/812 + EM205-912 + EM206-912

Are you teaching, training, or discipling anyone from a different cultural background than your own? Or do you think you might be in the next few years? If so, this unit is designed to equip you to do this well...

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
E admin@smbc.edu.au
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950