
Showcased here are some of our lecturers' and graduates' publications. They reveal a depth of expertise and breadth of interests. From rich theology to pastoral insights to inspirational history, there's something for everyone.

Many of these books are available to purchase from the SMBC Service Centre (by email or phone 02 9747 4780) or other reputable book retailers.

By: Tim Silberman

Evangelical churches are widely known for their commitment to mission locally and to the ends of the earth. However, in the last century, there have been profound theological and sociological changes that have impacted mission practice. Church and mission leaders have encouraged Christians to respond to the need for mission locally, especially as church decline accelerates in much of the Western world. Yet others are concerned that global mission involvement is being neglected in many local churches...

10 Dead Gals You Should Know

By: Rachel Ciano

Format: Soft cover

10 Dead Guys You Should Know

By: Ian J Maddock

Format: Soft cover

Acts of the Risen Lord Jesus

By: Alan J Thompson

Format: Soft cover

Colossians and Philemon

By: Alan J. Thompson

Format: Soft cover

Come, Let Us Sing

By: Robert S. Smith

Format: Soft cover

Contextualization or Syncretism?

By: Derek Brotherson

Format: Soft cover

Engaging Neighbors and Nations

By: Tim Silberman

Format: Soft cover

Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament - Luke

By: Alan J Thompson

Format: Soft cover

Finding Lost Words

By: G.Geoffrey Harper & Kit Barker (Editors)

Format: Soft cover

For the Joy

By: Miriam Chan & Sophia Russell (Editors)

Format: Soft cover

Gathered Together

By: Karl Deenick

Format: Soft cover

Hitting the Holy Road

By: Stuart Coulton

Format: Soft cover

How to Speak at Special Events

By: David Cook

Format: Soft cover

Imprecation as Divine Discourse

By: Kit Barker

Format: Soft cover

Knowing Who You Are

By: Malcolm Gill

Format: Soft cover

Leading Multicultural Teams

By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert

Format: Soft cover

Lewis’s Interesting Life

By: Anna Brotherson and Sarah Ang

Format: Soft cover

Life 4 Kids - Reading John’s Gospel Together

By: Various Authors

Format: Soft cover

Men of One Book

By: Ian J Maddock

Format: Soft cover

Multiplying Leaders in Intercultural Contexts

By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert

Format: Paperback

Never Going Home

By: Anthony C. Brammall

Format: Soft cover

On This Mountain

By: Nicholas R. Lindeback and illustrated by Stephen Reed

Format: Soft cover

Out of Darkness

By: Anthony C. Brammall

Format: Hard cover

Righteous By Promise

By: Karl Deenick

Format: Soft cover

Scribes, Motives, and Manuscripts

By: Alan Mugridge

Format: Soft cover

Songs of the Saints

By: Mike Raiter & Rob Smith

Format: Soft cover

Surprising Salvation - Isaiah

By: Kirk Patston

Format: Soft cover

Teaching Leviticus: From Text to Message

By: G. Geoffrey Harper

Format: Soft cover

The Gender Revolution

By: Patricia Weerakoon with Robert Smith and Kamal Weerakoon

Format: Soft cover

Training Missionaries - Principles & Possibilities

By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert

Format: Soft cover

Walking Together on the Jesus Road

By: Evelyn & Richard Hibbert

Format: Paperback

Washed by God: The Story of Baptism

By: Karl Deenick

Format: Soft cover

Wesley and Whitefield? Wesley versus Whitefield?

By: Ian Maddock

Format: Soft cover